




7月29日:誤りなどのご指摘をいただき、改訂しました。maroさん、控室の○○○刑事さん、万年6級さん、natsuoさん、chessdocterさん(チェスドクターの日々 - 王位戦第2局)ありがとうございました。さらに誤りなどありましたら、引き続きご指摘をお待ちしております。

This is Daaim Shabazz. We are at the World Open chess tournament in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. We have just finished the 8th round and we are going to the last round. And I have Habu with me, Yoshiharu Habu, from Japan. He is a professional shogi player. And he has been playing in these World Open tournaments for the last sevaral years and pulled him aside, I want to ask him a few questions. First of all, in these World Open tournamanets, you are a shogi player,


Could you tell us a little bit about the similarities between shogi and chess?

Common part is three pieces, king, rook and bishop. That's are the same pieces. And the most different part is the use of pieces. So, that's the most different things, because "take a piece and use again on the board".

So after pieces are captured, you can use, you can put those pieces back on the board?

Like crazyhouse?

Oh, OK also we call that I think bughouse. OK, OK. Now how long have you been playing chess?

For about six years ago, I joined Chicago Open, that's a first time to international tournament. Then I,,,after once or twice a year, I join a foreign tournament.

And you have been playing in this World Open, how many years?

This is second time to play for World Open, first time is three years ago and this time.

OK yeah, cause I remember you were here, when I wrote an article about the World Open and put your picture in the article, because a lot of people know, knew that you were the shogi player. Now you are reputed to be, in terms of shogi, the world greatest player. Could you describe how the champion is determined in shogi?

Pardon, I don't understand.

How do you become the champion in shogi?

Ah, I see, at the first, when they are teenager, they enter shogi school. And it has age limited. Until 26 years old, they have to become a professional 4-dan, then shogi association admit they are professional, then it's like advance, five class, start with C2 next C1, B2, B1, A class. Then, A class is ten people, then finally decides the championship between A class winner and Meijin.

And you won your first championship, at what age?

At the first, I became, when I was 23.

Was that the youngest champion ever?

No, other person became 21, about 20 years ago.

I see, tell me this, does international chess help you play shogi?

When I started chess, I thought something to help to my shogi, but I understand it's completely different game, but I'm very interested in to compare two games, with chess and shogi. I can always compare what is difference to strategical, how to say, customs or professional society.

Is internatonal chess very popular in Japan?

I think about ten thousand people can play, but the active player less than one hundred.

Less than one hundred?

Little, quite little.

What are your aspirations in chess, do you have any goals that you're trying to accomplish in chess, general?

I always enjoy the tournament, because chess is no limited professional and amature. If I'm lucky, I can play quite high level grand master. So, I'm very fun to play international tournament.

Also, in Japan, you probably would have a lot of fans, asking you for autographs.


And here, maybe you're able to have peace and quiet. You have a lot of people come up to you introducing themselves, in this tournalent?

Not so many, but how to say, foreign shogi player is usually, they play chess. So, quite rarely, people find me, "Ah, you are Habu, I like shogi," but not so many times.

There is a shogi player. He is also an International Master you may know, know of Laurence Kaufman. Has he played in Japan?

Yeah, I played with him about ten years ago, at the handicapped game. But I think Mr.Kaufman is a top player rest of Japan.

Wow. If I wanted to learn shogi, what's the best way to learn the game?

How to say, at the first, learn basic strategy, like make a castle, and don't fear piece sacrifice, or pawn is very important, and after that, you should play so many games, games and games. I think that's the best way to development for shogi.

So, did you come to the United States only for this tournament?

Yes, only for this tournament.

Wow, that's interesting. Do you still have other interviews that you do while you are here in the States?

Maybe that's first time, I think. But I have already played five or six times in the United States for international tournament.

That's all the questions I have. I want to thank you for taking a time out for the interview. This will be on "thechessdrum.net" I'll clean it up, make sure that it's very nice. And I have a card and I'll send you a link and hopefully you'll have a safe trip back to Japan. Thank you very much.

Daaim Shabazzです。ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィアで開催中の、ワールドオープンチェストーナメントの会場にいます。ちょうど第8ラウンドが終了し、最後のラウンドに入るところです。ここに、日本から参加されている羽生善治さんに来ていただきました。羽生さんは将棋のプロ棋士で、過去何年か、この世界トーナメントに参加されています。トーナメントとは別に、いくつか質問してみたいと思います。では始めに、世界オープントーナメントに参加されているわけですが、将棋の棋士でもあるのですよね。































ローレンス カウフマンという方をご存知ですか、IM(インターナショナルマスター)*2で将棋も指す人です。彼と日本で対戦したことはありますか?








質問は以上です。お時間をいただきましてありがとうございました。この様子は thechessdrum.net で公開されます。ちゃんときれいに編集しますからね。名刺をいただきましたので、サイトへのリンクを後でお送りします。それではお気をつけて日本へお帰りください。ありがとうございました。

*1:Results from the 2003 World Openの記事のことだろうか。
